Monday, 4 March 2013


Once we had our final idea it was time to start looking at the pre-production work that needed to be done prior to starting production. 

First we conducted a production schedule where we listed every stage of the production process, this included all pre-production tasks and whom would be completing each of these as well as by what deadline, we split the dates up slightly too so that tasks would be completed before the next stage in production so that we knew everything would be 100% ready on the deadline day, instead of leaving things till the last minute to be completed.

As we are in a group of three we split the workload evenly ensuring the correct team members had the correct tasks to complete for example as I am the producer, it was correct to give me the task of completing the script as I would be developing our idea into the final product. 

We worked well as a team to even out the different tasks and ensured each one of us had the same amount of tasks to complete, as the producer I had one more task to complete which was the production schedule but being the first piece of paperwork we completed in class, we did this as a team anyway. My tasks were to write the script, complete the call sheet and risk assessment. These tasks fitted my role as producer well as I am in charge of ensuring everyone is doing what they should be doing on the shooting days, therefore if anyone found themselves lost or needed to find food/drink/toilet facilities they could come to me for help. Also as I filled in the risk assessment its my job as the producer to ensure risks are firstly minimized as much as possible and ensure everyone is aware of any possible risks to them. Sophie was given the tasks to write the presskit release and the performer release sheets, by completing the presskit release as the director it allowed her to ensure the article was informative and based around the topic only. Finally Connor was in charge of completing the storyboard, shooting schedule, location recces and book the equipment for the days we required, as the director of photography it was his job to book any equipment we would need and ensure the equipment is collected and taken back at the correct times booked. As Connor will be the main man behind the camera at all times when shooting it was necessary for him to complete both the storyboard and the shooting schedule as he would be the one filming therefore he will need to be able to follow the storyboard and the shooting schedule on the days. 

We have now completed all of the pre-production paperwork and are ready to continue with the production process where we will first present our pitch using the green screen and then we will go onto the production of our short film. 

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