Sunday 17 March 2013


For production we had three sessions booked to go out to different locations and film all the footage we would need to start editing. One of these sessions would be carried out in the television studio at college, another at the wind farm and the third at Connor's house. 

The first filming session we carried out was at Connor's house where we were aiming to get all of the footage we required for the first section of the short film, we needed two performers for this which we managed to gain easily and both of these were present on the day and did well to help us complete the task. We all worked as a team to carry out the role of the camera, helping Connor in his role as director of photography.

In our second session we carried out filming in the television studio at college, this was because we needed to use the green screen and the autocue for the performer to read the script clearly and ensure the performance looked as realistic and professional as possible. I think this recording session went really well as we had one performer who suited the role of news reporter really well and we ensured that he dressed appropriately and had a clear voice. Whilst going through the script we took our time to ensure we got atleast two shots of each line so that we had covered all of the script in the best possible way possible, by covering each line of the script more than once it ensured that when it came to editing we would have enough good footage that could be used. We managed to complete the recording pretty quickly and were pleased with the results, as we were all available we all helped with the camera work and ensured the script was prepared ready to use.

Finally our last filming session we were at the wind farm getting our footage that we would use in editing with our shots of the emergency broadcast from the green screen room. We were all prepared for the filming at the wind farm ensuring that we took all equipment and pre-production paperwork with us

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